Hi There!

Hello you who stumbled on my homepage! Im Santeri Karttunen

I’m a Finnish Defence Forces UAV-NCO diving into the IT industry. My years of experience in structured and goal-oriented environments have sharpened my problem-solving and analytical skills amd now, I’m applying them to IT.

Currently, I’m studying Haaga-Helia University of applied science Bachelor of business, business information technology. My main focuses are Linux servers, Cybersecurity and Cloud technologies to build my expertise. Im also self employed i.e. through my own company Valkurion (Tmi) which provides Drone pilot services, consulting on Drones and other UAV:s and unmanned aviation in general

For now this page acts as a forum where I can guide people who google me (Hi future employer!) and as a personal learning project on Linux server administration, webpage security, webpage design and webpage developement!

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IT & Business Projects
